The Williamsburg Neighborhood Nursery School appreciates donations of any size. Your contributions make a difference, and will help us continue to grow our wonderful learning community where we provide children with a warm and nurturing environment where they can grow their social, emotional, and intellectual skills and where their creativity can flourish. Donations can be made directly through our website, or through PayPal by following the links below.
You can also support WNNS by going to and selecting Williamsburg Neighborhood Nursery School as your charity to sponsor, and the school will get a percentage of your total purchase.
We'd like to announce an exciting new endeavor for WNNS- this year, we’ll be fundraising like never before, with a goal of buying our own building in 4 years time. We’d also like to use a portion of these funds raised to increase our yearly financial aid budget, with the goal of offering two additional places yearly to families in the neighborhood that would otherwise not be able to afford high quality early childhood education. We believe that by continuing to add inclusivity and diversity to our local nursery school community, we all benefit.
Our major source of donations is WNNS families both past and present, and we can only reach our goals with your support. With your help we can make sure our school and its nurturing program stands the test of time and development.
*WNNS is a tax-exempt charitable organization, and as such your contribution will be eligible for a tax deduction under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.